Loving Peace
Om Shanthi dearest Heart Family,
I hope you are all doing well
From my peaceful home here in Portugal, for which I am deeply grateful, I have been contemplating the horror of the violence currently spreading through the world.
My grandparents lived through two world wars and my parents both fought in World War II. My extensive extended family all shared experiences from both those times and I was taught from childhood onwards - We must never forget! So that this will never happen again.
This has been the learning that has been shared through the generations till today. So I have been asking myself - how are we making the same mistakes and war is happening again?
My heart showed me an answer, so I thought I might share it with you too.
My generation, and perhaps yours, was taught to hate war and violence. We were shown its evils and we remembered them and honoured those who suffered and those who died and we vowed never to repeat it.
But we had not been taught a great truth -
that if you hate an evil,
you have just created a new one.
Padma Devi Sumananda, Founder of the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation
This is so important to understand. Please take a moment to sit in the cave of your heart with this.
Hating evil, hating violence and war is itself feeding and growing the very thing we hope and pray to stop.
So let us become the ones who Love Peace.
Let the next generation be the ones who are taught to Love Peace in all its forms so that we begin at last to grow in wisdom and perhaps to understand how we create our own reality.
By hating war, it seems we have created more hatred and war.
So by actively loving peace, maybe we can create a peaceful world. What do you have to lose? Only hatred and war, those old impostors. Please teach your children & your grandchildren to love peace, and most of all teach yourself. Share with them all the ways you know that help you to stay strong, honest and open while maintaining peace within and without. By making peace your focus.
Together, let us love peace in all its forms and beauty to support a new unfolding of humanity.
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthii
Peace, Peace may Peace be with us all.
Love Always,
Originally published on the Heart Of Living Yoga website.