Open invitation to reset our compass
toward a renewed world

The current crisis and opportunity

   There is little doubt that we are in a time of crisis. Our usual ways of life have become impossible and many of us find ourselves questioning everything. Yet we see this as a moment of opportunity, to renew our vision and reset our compass toward an illumined future of our choosing. We have a chance to consciously step into new ways of living and relating which offer greater health and happiness for all of us. If our individual and collective patterns and systems are not sustainable, this is the time to find our own deepest inner truths and connect with others to transform them. 

   On January 17, 2021, the Spiritual Action Initiative hosted a gathering in which people were invited to connect with their hearts and develop a vision for the world they wish to live in. The group included people from the United States including Arkansas, California (particularly the San Francisco Bay Area), Colorado, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania, as well as from Scotland, England, and Italy / Germany, who were from diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds, including atheist, Christian, Sufi, and various Yoga traditions. 

   Our visions are summarized in the list below. It envisions a renewed future where divisions are healed, and each of us are thriving in our authentic, essential truth. It contains a call for each of us, including our elected leaders, to make a personal commitment to connect with our inner truth and actively steer our course toward a life-affirming future. 

A Vision for a Renewed World 

The Vision 

   We, the undersigned, hold a vision of a world at peace. A world where we embrace diversity and see clearly our shared humanity, our shared life on Earth. Where we listen deeply and with great respect to each other and to the Source of life and wisdom, however we might see that. 

   We hold a vision of a revitalized world, a world of vibrant, healthy and abundant natural systems which can sustain all forms of life including human beings. We see clean air and water, healthy food, and beautiful, safe & supportive places for all to live. This renewed world is founded on an awareness that all life is interconnected. Nurturing the soil, the plants and animals, the waters of the world, are all part of caring for ourselves (and vice versa). 

   We hold a vision of a renewed humanity. A world which supports and provides protections so that each person can enjoy a deep sense of safety. peace and love, of joy and vitality. Where none of us are divided based on race, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, political opinion, gender identity, sexual orientation, income or social inequality, or any other illusions that deny our common humanity. A world where healing is made available to all, where relationships are supporting and sustaining, where discussions and decisions are held with openness and compassion, and our institutions are democratic and serve to protect and benefit all people. We envision each of us learning to see the best in each other, helping to bring out the qualities we all need to thrive. We can lift each other up!

The call 

   We recognize this vision requires taking concerted steps to foster reconciliation, cooperation, healing and mutual love and support. We have much to unlearn and important things to remember. 

   We call upon leaders at all levels to make this vision a reality ~ both highly visible leaders as well as the leaders within each of us. This includes the incoming as well as past U.S. Presidential administrations and their supporters; elected officials, policy makers, staff, and volunteers at the national, state, local and international levels; as well as business leaders, whether in multinational corporations or local small businesses; community leaders, religious leaders, teachers, parents, and especially youth and children, workers, unemployed and retired people, activists, and everyone. 

   In the same way that each human being is a leader, each “public leader” is a human being, who shares our common fate. We call for leadership that is grounded in inner truth, love and courage, that releases fear and grasping at narrow, short-sighted personal gain, to strive toward elevation individually and as a society. 

  This is a moment when we can choose to resist fear and separateness and to join with others to align with the flow of life, love and expansion.  

The Commitment 

    Therefore, we commit to living in integrity in accordance with this vision, each to our capacity in the moment, with deep compassion for ourselves and for all beings. 

      We commit to caring for the natural world and its living beings, including humanity (even those we currently think are very different from us).

      We commit to honest acknowledgment of prejudice, anger and fear in our society as well as in ourselves. We commit to cultivating an open heart and calm mind which allows understanding, peace and love to flourish, and recognition of patterns and institutions that consciously or unconsciously perpetuate prejudice, anger and fear. 

   We commit to educating ourselves, especially by listening to, learning from and supporting each other, especially those of us who have been historically disadvantaged, and those who are most vulnerable, unheard and most in need. 

   We commit to transforming our social, political and economic systems to serve and protect all people and living beings, through active engagement in these systems and/or through developing alternative systems.

   We commit to staying grounded in our spiritual practices so we can nurture calm, resilience, courage and our connection with joy, the divine and our highest selves, so we can embody the peace, love, kindness and humility in which our vision is grounded. 

   We commit to action in alignment with our spiritual values, including respect and love for the earth and all its inhabitants, a commitment to self-awareness, truth-telling, non-violence, and justice for all. 

  We recognize that the road to true reconciliation and renewal will be long, learning from those who come before us. Following in the footsteps of those who inspire us, we continue to sow seeds and water them every day with care, dedication and awareness. We commit to doing so with hope, positivity and patience, individually and in collaboration with others, so that the seeds can grow and flower for ourselves and for generations to come. 

We invite all individuals and organizations to join us in these commitments. 



Signed by: 

LIST OF SIGNATORIES HERE , with name, and location, and optionally, any spiritual or group affiliation. 

[FN1] The Spiritual Action Initiative (SAI) is an interfaith group dedicated to supporting the earth and its inhabitants through education, action and advocacy for personal and policy-wide changes in our society. By approaching challenging issues through the eyes of love, nonviolence, and truth telling, we act from a heart-centered awareness of our inherent peace and oneness to benefit all beings.

Notes from the discussion and list of visions shared by the participants at the January 21 gathering can be found here.

For questions or comments, email the Spiritual Action Initiative, info@spiritualactioninitiative.org , spiritualactioninitiative.org


See the List of Signatories


For information contact info@spiritualactioninititive.org