The organizations listed below have similar missions and values to SAI. Explore their websites to learn about issues they are addressing, more events, actions you can take, and their suggestions of how to respond spiritually to the issues facing our world.
Interfaith Council of San Francisco:
“During this time of social change in San Francisco, civic leaders and the public view the SFIC as the "go-to" organization for mobilizing our City's religious communities. Congregations and faith-based agencies turn to us for resources, referral and representation. Our robust relationships and communications network of over 4,500 e-subscribers allow the SFIC to bring together and mobilize San Francisco's faith-based community to create an effective, combined force for service and issues of public policy, so that we may accomplish together what no single congregation can alone.”
One Earth Sangha
A non profit with a mission to “support a vision of spiritual engagement on collective issues based on fierce compassion.”
A grassroots organization dedicated to bringing health and well being to the individual and the earth. It “works in three core fields—health and healing, art and education, and environment and justice. Within those fields, Commonweal incubates and supports a dozen different programs including programs in cancer, health professional education, environmental health, adult learning, yoga, healing nutrition, permaculture gardening, and juvenile justice.”
San Francisco Integral Yoga Institute
This non profit organization is celebrating its 50th year in San Francisco. The founder Sri Swami Satchidananda captures the mission of IYISF when he "taught us that sangha–spiritual community–is the most essential component of a strong spiritual practice. We need the support, inspiration, and comradery of our brothers and sisters on the path. Here at the Integral Yoga Institute we offer many ways for people to connect to our Sangha. We come together to practice and live by the teachings of Yoga." SAI was formed by members of the community at Integral Yoga SF as an outreach and inreach to advance the principles of spiritual growth and compassion for all sentient beings.
East Bay Meditation Center
An independent center located in downtown Oakland. They welcome “everyone seeking to end suffering and cultivate happiness. Our mission is to foster liberation, personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building. We offer mindfulness practices and teachings on wisdom and compassion from Buddhist and other spiritual traditions. Rooted in our commitment to diversity, we operate with transparent democratic governance, generosity-based economics, and environmental sustainability.”
350 Bay Area
A Regional area wide umbrella organization with local offshoots. It is a grassroots movement to “eliminate carbon pollution and press for socially equitable solutions and a just transition to clean energy.” Some of the local organizations incorporate an active spiritual point of view.
California Interfaith Power and Light
This is the statewide branch of a national organization. It has hundreds of churches enrolled. Their mission in part is to “protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard public health and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.”
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
We support bold, creative, loving actions to block systemic harm, while building collaborative tools that give us the strength to be with our suffering, in order to transform towards liberation.
Green Faith/Partners for the Environment
“GreenFaith is building a global, multi-faith climate and environmental movement. Together our members create communities to transform ourselves, our spiritual institutions, and society to protect the planet and create a compassionate, loving and just world.” Their site has many resources for action and practices gathered from the larger religious communities.
Accessible Yoga
Accessible Yoga is dedicated to making the ancient teachings of yoga accessible to all. They support those who are underserved or have been excluded through advocacy and education. They serve diverse populations including people of all shapes, sizes and colors, with physical and emotional disabilities, chronic illness, PTSD, those in homes, incarcerated or living on the streets. https://accessibleyoga.org
Mission Dharma
“Mission Dharma is a sangha led by our teacher Howard Cohn that has gathered in the Mission District of San Francisco for over 30 years. Sangha members come together as a community on Tuesday nights for meditation and to hear Buddhist teachings. As a sangha, we support one another in the process of awakening in order to live our lives with more mindfulness, compassion, and joy.” Location is virtual until further notice, but they are hosting an online meditation on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30. The first 40 minutes is meditation followed by a dharma teaching by Howie Cohn or visiting teachers. Thanissara, a highly respected climate change activist and Buddhist teacher, recently visited and gave the dharma talk. She has a new book, Time to Stand Up, about engaged Buddhism. She challenges us to act to stop climate crisis.

“Let us feel that we are the children of that One God or the One Creator. We’re all interdependent, links in the same beginningless and endless chain, cells of a huge universal body. We are all One.”
Sri Swami Satchidananda