Please consider using this checklist to inspire your daily awareness of honoring Mother Earth. Double-click on the Daily Green Checklist to highlight it, then choose File and Print from the menu on the top of your screen. This will produce your own copy that you can hang somewhere that you will see everyday. Challenge yourself to reduce your carbon footprint and make a difference in caring for our earth.
Supporting Resources for the Green Checklist
Remember to have compassion for yourself and your loved ones as you make these changes in your life. You can take small steps to make your way forward. Don’t expect to do everything at once. It may take several weeks or months to shift from one routine to a more mindful and responsible course of action. Share your progress with others. Celebrate the changes you make!
Eat local, organic, and plant-based food: Cutting out meat and dairy from your diet is often cited as the most effective action a person can take to positively affect climate change. Animal waste, and the related methane gas are extremely harmful to the environment. Support local farmers by frequenting farmer’s markets, signing up for farm shares, and checking for local and organic labels. https://time.com/5648082/un-climate-report-less-meat/
Use water mindfully: Global warming is affecting water supply. https://learn.eartheasy.com/guides/45-ways-to-conserve-water-in-the-home-and-yard/
Use clean energy. Choose your utilities’ clean energy option. Use heat and air conditioning mindfully Weatherize your house. Buy energy efficient, non-carbon reliant appliances, i.e. solar or electric, on demand water heater. https://www.ecofriendlyhabits.com/how-to-conserve-energy/
Avoid over-consumption. Share items with friends, family and neighbors. . Frequent thrift stores for donations and for purchases. Conserve your use of disposables like bottled water, plastic bags, printer paper (use 2 sided setting), . Find green alternatives like storage in repurposed containers, paper with recycled content.
Use green products from renewable sources: Avoid plastic disposables like bags, utensils, sponges. Use cloth towels, napkins, bags instead of paper. Minimize paper use. It cuts down trees and adds to global warming. http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2019/microplastics-crisis/
Purchase items with minimal, compostable packaging: Look for items in cardboard or compostable packaging, buy in bulk using repurposed containers, and eliminate plastics as much as possible. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonbird1/2018/07/29/what-a-waste-online-retails-big-packaging-problem/#6d43928a371d
Proper Disposal
Reuse, repurpose, and recycle products. Follow your local waste disposal guidelines carefully to insure that what you are offering will be recycled. Look for new ways to cut down on waste. Compost food and garden waste either through your local waste company’s program or your own compost bin. https://www.epa.gov/recycle/how-create-and-maintain-indoor-worm-composting-binDispose of toxic materials responsibly. Take paint, yard products, electronics, and cleaning solutions to the nearest toxic disposal location. .
Use Non-toxic Products. Many household products, including cleaning supplies, fragrances, cosmetics, paint, new home furnishing [off gassing], aerosol sprays, electronics, fertilizers and pesticides release harmful compounds. Use natural products without synthetic ingredients or chemicals. Purchase refurbished electronics. Make your own cleaning supplies from things like vinegar, borax, baking soda. Check out https://thegreenparent.co.uk/articles/read/make-your-own-cleaning-products. Avoid insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Use ladybugs, companion planting, compost, manure, mulch and other organic and earth friendly techniques for gardens. https://garden.lovetoknow.com/eco-friendly-garden Avoid artificial fragrances,and chemical ingredients. Use essential oils and dried plants like lavender to provide air fresheners, personal cosmetics. Check labels that help to identify products with natural ingredients. Substitute oils like avocado or almond oil for lotions and creams. https://ecophiles.com/2019/02/02/natural-diy-cosmetics/ https://www.treehugger.com/creating-zero-waste-beauty-routine-4857950
Public Transportation Use public transportation only when safe and practical. During COVID, follow these guidelines.https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/using-transportation.html
Use restraint with air travel. Reduce trips, and fly non-stop whenever possible. Consider buying a carbon tax to offset your carbon output. Check out these sites for more info and guidance: https://thepointsguy.com/guide/a-guide-to-airline-carbon-offset-programs/ https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/best-popular-us-carbon-offset-providers.php
Use other modes of transport. Walk! Bike! Scooter! Skateboard! Look into sharing rides with coworkers or try out a carpool app like ‘scoop’ or ‘waze’ to help you find neighbors or coworkers who are going your way. Check casual carpools. (Carpools not recommended during COVID.) https://www.ridenow.org/carpool/
Purchase Electric Cars. Try living with one or no car. If you need a car and it is time to get a new one, give serious consideration to buying an electric or hybrid plug in car. They are becoming more economical and more practical with increased range. More plug in stations are being added all over California and the US. Lobby your employer to add plug in capacity for employees.
Educate and support others to be more responsible about the environment. Share thoughts, books, resources with others to make them aware of the critical need for acting responsibly towards our earth. Find ways to educate children and young people and about the need for climate action. https://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2018/08/childrens-books-about-climate-change/ Invite others to join you in actions you are taking. Share this checklist. Participate in an Eco-Challenge. https://www.greenmatters.com/p/plastic-free-july
Join an environmental organization. Find an environmental or climate change organization that speaks to you. Become a member, support them financially, and join group actions. Suggested partners include Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, Extinction Rebellion, 350 Bay Area, and EcoChallenge. Responded to calls for action. Join with a group that has planned actions to repair the earth. Check out https://www.alloneocean.org/ (beach cleanups), www.fuf.net (friends of the urban forest) .
Support and invest in responsible businesses and boycott polluters. You can use the website listed below to find addresses of corporate headquarters in the United States. www.corporate-offices-headquarters.com
Review your investments to ensure that they are socially responsible. This article may help you make decisions. https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/04/11/impact-investing-how-to-align-your-values-with-you.aspx
Take Political Action. Become politically involved Respond to the calls for action issued by reputable organizations fighting to protect the environment. Campaign and vote for candidates who are working to address climate change. Use this link to find contact info for all of your elected officials. https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
Use these practices and prayers to stay centered and grounded. Grow your strength and capacity for compassion, nonviolence, truth telling and peace.
Meditate using this Sanskrit prayer for peace and healing for all beings:
Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bhavantu.
May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy, love and light.
Practice Metta meditation, a Buddhist loving-kindness meditation. Engage in an expansive sense of compassion and connection from yourself to all beings everywhere. This article is a basic explanation of metta practice https://jackkornfield.com/meditation-on-lovingkindness/.
Here is a prayer from the Hindu tradition that you might find meaningful:
Mother Earth, provider of nurturance, health, and wisdom,
Guardian of the magical secrets of the Earth,
May I celebrate your beauty, wisdom, and grace.
May I find your wholeness within me.
Fill me with your divinity and vision to appreciate
Your sacred energy in all things.
Silently chant a mantra as you go about your daily routines, when you are walking, cleaning or washing dishes. Use walking meditation practice as you step out into the world. Here is a simple guide to that grounding and centering practice: https://www.lionsroar.com/how-to-meditate-thich-nhat-hanh-on-walking-meditation/
Here is a poem by Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh that you can say as you walk:
A Walking Meditation
Breathing in, I know Mother Earth is in me.
Breathing out, I know I am in Mother Earth.
With each step the earth heals us.
With each step, we heal the earth.
Maintain equanimity, balance and positivity while engaging in this work. Remember that all of our spiritual practices are undertaken to do just this, to keep us in a place of equanimity and peace when the mind and the world around us are manifesting fear, suffering, and negativity. Keep up your daily spiritual practices to stay strong and grounded as you engage in this important work.
Join other like-minded faith traditions. Look for opportunities to join with other spiritual traditions to do this work. Partnering with like-minded beings can help to build community, momentum and bring positive change.
We engage in this work with the underlying foundation that nonviolence and compassion will prevail.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,

“Make your decision, and then act to save our beautiful planet, Earth. Changing your way of living will bring you a lot of joy right away.”
Thich Nhat Hanh