We can all start where we are at, and ask ourselves
”What is life calling me to do?"
Growing Plants
Growing plants for food, medicine and their natural beauty is a simple, empowering act. Over time, with patient practice, we become more skilled and feel the benefits more and more. You may wish to learn more about herbal medicine, organic gardening, permaculture design (based on Indigenous science) or other aspects of growing.
Developing or deepening a spiritual practice.
Giving time to our spiritual practice is a wonderful way to make a contribution to the wellbeing of the world — including ourselves. For example, a daily meditation practice is a wonderful way to help our minds develop the habit of being open, spacious and peaceful. This affects all of our actions and all our relations. Whatever spiritual practice calls to you, giving yourself dedicated time for it is a gift to all.
Responding to Racism Discussion Group (Fourth Sunday of every month)
Please join us for exploration of the roots of racism and the changes we need to see in ourselves and society. The discussion will be guided by the books How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi and Gather by Octavia Raheem. We will use these books and other resources to spark discussion and deep looking at ourselves and our culture. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo is available in ebook and audiobook (free on youtube) and from your libraries.
Next meeting and book pages will be announced in the class.
Send any questions to info@spiritualactioninitiative.org
See our events page
Start Your Own Petition
MoveOn.org has a new initiative to help people begin their own petition around an issue they are wanting to address. Their website describes the action: “Mad? Sad? Inspired? Fired up and ready to take action? You don't need to wait for an organization to start a petition on an issue that's important to you. Start your own petition right now. It will just take a few minutes, and we'll be here to support you.”
The site walks you through outlining the issue, who the petition is addressed to, and the action needed. The form is then vetted and you can then send it out to your contacts or through social media for signatures.
Illustration by Megan White
Get Out the Vote Action
This letter signed by 100+ Buddhist teachers encourages us to take action by getting out the vote in the upcoming elections. It outlines several ways we can all be involved in bringing compassionate leadership to our country by joining phone banks, advocating for mail in ballots, being poll volunteers, etc. Read and pick an action that speaks to you.

“I look at how a single candle can defy and define the darkness.”
Anne Frank